Annual Meeting and Annual Budget Meeting December 11, 2023 

       The Minutes of the Annual Meeting and Annual Budget Meeting can be found here


After the Association's research on FEMA policies and the policies of nearby communities governing storm debris on private roads, and after several meetings and emails with the Village, Chris McCall has confirmed with Brunswick County and with Crowder Gulf (the storm debris removal contractor) that Middle island will be eligible for roadside collection of storm debris from Hurricane Florence, even though our roads are private.  Both property owners and their contractors should place debris alongside (but not in) Middle Island roadways.

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CONTACT INFORMATION:  Chuck Pardee is your contact for key replacements . Contact him at 

Questions, comments, and suggestions about policies, priorities, and dues should be sent to the MIPOA board at   

Map Courtesty of Wendy Wilmont Properties

The mission of the Middle Island Property Owners Association (MIPOA) is to maintain and improve the Association's amenities;  to enhance the experience of owners and visitors; to protect the investment property owners have made in our community; and to foster the unique natural environment of Middle Island.  

We aim to provide excellent, cost-effective, and responsive management on behalf of our members.

Map courtesy of Wendy Wilmont Properties